“Soothing Soaks: Crafting The Ideal Bathing Experience For Newborns”

“Soothing Soaks: Crafting The Ideal Bathing Experience For Newborns”

Bathing a Newborn baby creates a beautiful Bond between Mother and her baby. But it is very
important to undertake this delicate Task with utmost care. New Mothers should follow a certain
protocol at all times for the safety of their baby. Following these guidelines can make bonding with
your baby easy and memorable.

1. Maintain a Comfortable room Temperature:
Before you bathe your little one, ensure that the bathing area is warm and draft-free. room
temperature around 24-26-degree celsius keeps your baby cozy and chances of them getting sick is
2. Gather all the supplies beforehand:
Before you take your little one for a bath always gather the stuff which will be required during the
process. Keep the tub, cleanser, small cotton rolls, Fresh towel, moisturizer, diaper, clothes handy.

3. Check the water Temperature:
Before you place your baby in the Tub/Basin always check the temperature of water. You can use
your elbow or a bathing thermometer to do so. The water should be comfortably warm so that the baby can enjoy their bath

.4. Baby Position while Bathing:
Always support the head and back of your baby with one arm, while you bathe them. This way
greater stability is maintained and less chances of them slipping or any accidents happening in the

5. How to Bath the Baby:
Always use mild, hypo-allergenic cleansers for the delicate skin of your baby. You can gently apply it
on their body, taking special care that you clean the areas of folds like neck, armpits and genitalia.
Gently apply the cleanser on their head and wash it with water going in the direction opposite of
their face. This way water spillage on face will be less and the baby will be comfortable.
6. Pat Dry the baby:
Always use fresh soft towels to dry your baby. Pat dry and not Rub their skin with towel as their skin
is delicate. Gently dry their face and eyes thereby making them comfortable. Always Pat dry their
body completely so there is no moisture left and chances of bacterial and fungal infections reduces
drastically. Apply a mild lotion on their body and make them wear loose comfortable clothes.

Things to Avoid at all times:

1. Never Leave the baby unattended:
You should not leave the baby alone even for a second while bathing them. Accidents may happen in
a blink of second so always keep an eye on them. Keep all the things required handy. If you have
forgotten something always carry the baby with you to collect them.

2. Water should not be too Hot:
Hot water can cause burns to the delicate skin of your baby. Always double check the water
temperature before you bath them.

3. Schedule a good amount of time:
Never hasten the bathing process as there are chances of mishaps. Always do it in leisure so that
both baby and you enjoy the process.
4. Always Dry your Baby Properly:
Moist skin acts as a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. This may lead to infections. So always
dry them properly especially the areas of skin folds.

5. Don’t Overuse Products:
Always use a mild cleanser and body lotion for the baby. When it come to their tender skin ‘less is
more.’ Use a minimum amount of the product to protect their skin.

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