New Born Baby Care

New Born Baby Care

Embarking the beautiful journey of parenthood, one is likely to face many emotions of immense happiness, questions to which answers are unknown, joy, guilt and a bevy of emotions. Every newborn baby is different and experiences a parent will encounter are not going to be same. Through this article. We aim to provide you with basic information that a new parent may need to know and understand

Feeding and Nutrition
It is recommended by many doctors that every baby should be fed with breastmilk for the first 6 months of their life. Breastmilk usually is produced from the third day of Birth. Initial 2 days what oozes from the breast is called colostrum or the first milk. This is high in proteins and is essential for the baby’s health. From the 3rd day start giving the mature milk or the breastmilk. It contains high amount of fats, immunoglobulins, proteins and carbohydrates; thereby making a complete dose of nutrition.
You can also Pump this milk and give your baby. Some babies need to Formula Milk. (ask your pediatrician about the same). Babies need to be fed every 2-4 hours daily. With time the time gap in between the feed increases.

Bathing and Hygiene Practice
Newborn babies need shower occasionally. Once their umbilical cord comes out you can shower them. Initially sponging is sufficient. Sponging should be done gently with lukewarm water-soaked towel on the face, body and in the folds. You should shower the baby once you are confident that you can handle the baby during the process. Shower them in a bathtub or basin. The water temperature should be lukewarm. Never leave the baby unattended while showering them.
Wipe the baby skin with a soft dry towel. Gently apply some baby cream to their skin after wiping them. Post peeing and pooping always make sure that you clean the genital and tushy area properly. Use wipes or cotton balls to clean that area and later Pat-Dry it. Apply rash cream on the buttocks so that the gentle skin of the baby is protected.

Sleep and Soothing Practice
Newborn Babies sleep every two hours. With Time the time gap in between the sleeps increases. Try to swaddle your baby when making them sleep. Swaddling gives them a feeling of coziness and being inside the womb. New mothers should sleep when the baby sleeps. This will help them get rest and recover physically. You can use White noise or sing lullaby to make them sleep. You can try Swaddling, Side position, Swing, Shush and Suck technique to make them sleep. Never make the baby sleep on their Tummy always on the Back.

Bonding Time
Skin to skin method is amazing way to bond with your baby. You can hold them close and talk to them looking in their eyes as initially they can see objects which are near to them. Give them Tummy time 4-5 times a day for 3-5 minutes. You can talk to them, narrate stories show objects which are black and white in color. Gradually the babies will start responding to you. Babies take time to smile, so be patient.

Ask for Support
Initial days are the ones which are tough for both the parents. So, don’t feel shy to ask help from your parents, siblings or friends. Any help is good help. Happy well rested parents can raise happy and cheerful babies.

When to Worry
If the temperature of your baby is above 100.4 Fahrenheit (use rectal thermometer to check) talk to the Pediatrician. When the baby refuses to eat or is crying continuously he should be taken to the doctor. Lastly, if you see signs of Jaundice like yellowing of the skin (face, arms, legs) or their eyes become yellow, immediately seek medical assistance.

The journey of parenthood is a magical ride with a few surprises and hiccups in between but lots of beautiful moments and questions about parenting. Enjoy each and every moment as the time flies by fast and soon these moments just become memories.

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