“From Bump To Birth: A Mom’s Guide To A Smooth Hospital Stay”

“From Bump To Birth: A Mom’s Guide To A Smooth Hospital Stay”

The long journey of nine months through pregnancy comes finally to its beautiful destination when
the doctor tells the parents that the baby is now ready to come into this world. Child birth and Labor
is always a topic which creates goosebumps in an expecting mother. The fear of the unknown
increases the level of anxiety in her. Preparing a few things in advance is always helpful and will ease
the process on the big day. One essential item to check-off pre-delivery is your Hospital Bag. Packing
your bag as early as 36 weeks will be helpful in case of early labor. In this guide, we will take you
through all the essential item you need to pack in order to make your stay as comfortable as
Packing early, a few weeks before your due date will help you double check if in case you have
forgotten any of the essential belonging. Make sure you have a checklist with all the required items
checked off in advance so that you can keep this bag handy if you need to rush to the Hospital in
case of an emergency.

A) Essentials for Mother

1) Documents: Make a folder so you have sorted all your documents. Your ID, Hospital registration paperwork, Insurance Copy, emergency cash and credit card, letter of Admission
by your gynecologist and any Special test document if your hospital asks for it.
2) Comfortable Clothing: The hospital temperature is usually low so keep handy a loose pair of
pajamas and socks to keep your legs warm if you feel too cold. A couple of loose nursing
gowns if your Hospital Permits you to wear your own. 3-4 pair of socks, nursing bras, large
size underwear (carry disposable ones if you’re comfortable). Carry a pair of good loose
clothes for when you are heading home with your baby.
3) Sanitary Napkins: You might need a whole bunch so carry the ones which you usually use.
4) Toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, body wash and shampoo. Lip balm and body
lotion can be helpful in the dry hospital environment.
5) Medication: You may carry your regular medicines prescribed to you, but please ensure that
you notify the doctors at the hospital before you take any medication so that you are sure
that it is safe for you and your baby.
6) Slippers: Comfortable pair of slippers to walk around. You don’t want to be walking barefoot
on the cold hospital floor.
7) Comfortable Aids: If you wear Eye Lens Carry Extra Pair along with The Lens Solution and the
Lens Box. Your favorite head rest pillow can be handy if your comfortable using Just-that-
8) Entertainment: Carry your iPad / Tablet, magazine, books to pass your time during the stay.
Don’t forget to carry your phone charger as you will want to click as many photos of your
baby as possible.

B) Essentials for The Partner
1) Clothing: 2-3 Set of comfortable Clothing for the Hospital stay., socks, Night wear.
2) Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, Bodywash, Shampoo, Comb.

3) Slippers: A pair of Comfortable Slippers to walk around in the Hospital.
4) Entertainment: carry IPad/ Tab, Magazine, Laptop, Books and the Charging Cord for all. You
can Get an extender as Hospital Plugs maybe placed at a Location not close to your Sleeping

C) Essentials for the Baby.
1) Clothing: Pack a few Onesies, socks, mittens for them. Don’t forget the going home Outfit!
2) Swaddling: You can carry a few of your own if you don’t like the hospital ones. A warm
blanket can be a good option. I would be a good Idea to learn how to swaddle your baby
properly from online videos or from an experienced family member.
3) Diapers: You can carry a few of your own if you want to use a particular brand’s diapers for
your Baby.
4) Car Seat: Install the car seat in advance so that you can get it to the hospital when heading
back home.

D) Extras:
 You can carry A camera with a charger, a notepad with pen. Some hospitals might allow you
to get snacks so carry some dry food if you don’t like the hospital food or whenever you are
hungry between the meals. Some hospitals provide meals only for the mother , so dads can
carry a few protein bars to munch on between taking meal breaks.
 Keep a list of Emergency contacts and the phone number of taxi service or your
transportation contact ready at all times.
 If you have registered for collection of the umbilical cord tissue for preserving the stem cells,
please keep the contact information of the Stem Cell collection agency handy. Contact them
and let them know when you plan to go to the hospital for the delivery procedure.
 You can pack all of these things in different pouches and label them in order to avoid

Every Hospital has its own protocol so ensure that you speak with the authorities well in
advance about the rules and regulations to be followed. Every pregnancy is different so
these tips might help you make your Hospital stay at ease. Speak with your family and
friends who have some experience so you can better prepare yourself for the special day.
Here’s to a smooth delivery and joyful start to Parenthood!!!

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